In case you claim, like many, to have a short attention span, I’ll cut right to chase. Mindfulness is more important than ever before. This will likely stay true as we progress further through this digital age. In the past decade, the topic of mindfulness has seen an upward trend. This is partly due to… Continue reading How important is mindfulness in today’s world?
Category: Life
Integrate mindfulness meditation into your day
There are many, many ways to integrate mindfulness exercises into your day-to-day routine. For many, mindfulness practices help control emotions, anxiety and temptations, strengthening resilience and willpower. Some even believe that mindfulness meditation can help increase our “default” level of happiness and compassion. The benefits are unique for every individual, but a multitude of benefits… Continue reading Integrate mindfulness meditation into your day
How to escape the grasp of negativity in 5 easy ways
We’re all subject to negative emotions from time to time. Of course, it’s important to recognise negative feelings and they should never be discounted. They help us cope with internal struggles and even those times when we stub our toes on pesky furniture. But letting darker feelings take charge can have devastating effects on our… Continue reading How to escape the grasp of negativity in 5 easy ways
10 things every 20-something-year old should know how to do
This list was intended for people in their 20’s of all backgrounds/professions/motivations. If you have mastered around half of this list, then stop stressing; you’re doing fine and your future looks bright. If you have mastered all of this list already, see #3. 1. Take a compliment. For many people, accepting positive comments from others can… Continue reading 10 things every 20-something-year old should know how to do
Make the most out of spare time
You have time to spare. Maybe you’re on a break from uni courses, taking some well-deserved annual leave without any real plans or recently unemployed or incarcerated (hopefully not, as you need internet access for some of these ideas). Or perhaps you are sick of watching junk TV everyday when you get home from a… Continue reading Make the most out of spare time